Now My Eyes Are All Poofy
As you all you all SHOULD know....HE'S WON!!!!!!!!!!! Wait, wait... HELL YES! Okay, so you can probably guess at my excitement and I know this post is a little delayed, but OH MAN! I love my Martin Scorsese so much and he conquered the Oscar's! The Departed was totally amazing, he deserved it, Clint Eastwood can go cry me a river. Do you hear that? It's the world's smallest violin playing for the losers. But how do I feel, you ask? Elated...and somewhat upset. I didn't ACTUALLY get to watch the ceremony! I was away for the week (hence tardiness of the post) and despite my labored research, my attempts at watching were ultimately thwarted. I blame Sky One. I was supposed to watch the awards live at 1 am on Monday morning and see what I knew would be complete victory. But what did I get? A half an hour of red carpet coverage that led to nothing. That's right, nunca, bubkis, not-a-god-damned-thing. Where were the awards?! Oh yeah, on Sky Movies...a premium channel you have to order in advance. A complete disaster. So, I call my a controlled panic..and ask her to give me a call when the winner is announced at 5am, so that I can at least participate in the triumphant glory. Staying up all night, waiting...trying to distract myself...I discover that my mom's call isn't delayed...but that my cell has lost reception and nothing is getting through. Bastards! So, it's wasn't until later that day that I received the message notifying me. It was a bitter sweet moment. Filled with joy and yet simultaneously feeling a bit stung by the media rejection. Worry not, I will have my vengeance. Retribution will be mine.
I did watch the best director footage. They totally staged it for him with Lucas, Spielberg, and Coppola. It was just what he deserved, to be served by the top of Hollywood royalty. Then when it was announced, despite my knowledge of the outcome, I stopped breathing and unwillingly began to cry. Like a baby. I didn't think it would happen, I didn't even know it was until I realized I was sniffling. It was just what I needed. True catharsis.