Christopher Nolan: The New whiz Kid

Last Thursday I walked into the small art house cinema, the first to take my seat at fifteen minutes 'till curtain, and I wondered how many people would actually show up to see a Thursday night preview of The Prestige. Low and behold, every seat in the theater was filled by the fading of the lights. (leaving me crunched up in my seat) As the film began and the audience calmed, I knew the anticipation was high, no audience quiets that quickly unless they have great hopes. I knew I was going to like the film from the beginning because I couldn't take my eyes off the screen. Sure, you could guess that there were twists in the first five minutes, but even so you wanted to know how it all unfolded. It wasn't that I was shocked or grasped in suspense, I was mesmerised by good filmmaking. Nolan knows how to put on a show and hold that level of excitement throughout, which is why he is someone to watch. It's not always the story but how it's told. From the level of excited chatter after the film and the number of people who sat through the credits, I would say that most everyone agreed with me.
Of course, I can not slight his actors either. It is unfair to present it as a purely auteurist force,

The reason I do not discount this against him as much as I wish I could is two fold: one, his experience has been as a male and he probably thinks that women have some sort of mysterious vision of life that he will never understand and two, pretty much all Hollywood films play to this male-centric vision - it is not a problem specific to him, misperseption of the "other" is a social universality. Don't get me wrong, I want there to be change and I deeply dislike the vision of "otherness" especially in terms of gender because it is probably the most widely felt bias - male-centrism suppresses the views of over half the population of the world. But this is an entirely different issue.
Anyway, the point is that Christopher Nolan has what it takes. He's not perfect, he's not revolutionary, but he has that something to make Hollywood happy. Plus, he likes Batman...which automatically makes him great in my book.
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