So, here's my plan...I will maintain both blogs. I will keep "
The Captain's Blog" as a sort of travel diary for the Europe and this site for my boundless expounding of completely useless information. Das good? ya?
In other news...I decided it was time to educate the masses on the glories of summer television. I remember the days when the summer was a dreaded fate, filled with countless hours of Full House reruns, Cops, and Jeopardy. Weekend movies being the diamond in the rough. Now, we live in the golden age: mindless entertainment for all! So, here's the break-down, in no particular order:
Rockstar: Supernova. (CBS: Performance Tues @ 9 pt and Elimination Wed @

8 pt) No

rmally, I am not one to anticipate the rise of yet another reality show. But, I am not ashamed to admit that I am addicted. The shtick is that Tommy Lee (drummer: Motley Crue), Jason Newsted (bass: Metallica), and Gilby Clarke of rock. But when he is on stage, he's all metal...a moshing, head-banging, badass. I <3 him. The other person that I heart is Dilana. She is my hero, no doubt. Her husky voice and hard core, full on kickass stage presence is gonna winner her the competition, I just know it. She is by far the most professional, experienced, hard worker of the group and it pays off. Rock on!!
Project Runway. (Bravo: Wed @ 10/9c) Now, I know I said I don't really watch reality t.v. but this,

along with Rockstar, is a notable exception. This is probably just because I can sit on my lazy butt and watch other people fulfill my ambitions for me...not that I want to be a fashion designer persay but that I have always said I should make my own clothing and it would be "so much better than the stuff in stores" but whenever I have time I end up writing to phantom readers about the summer primetime. Anyway, this show pretty much rocks. There isn't a lot of Real World drama, but that's what I like about it. Sometimes, though, you have to really wonder how much producers intervene in the judgements, because I really can't believe that Bradley actually got accalaides from Vera Wang for his episode 3 dress. Sure it was his birthday, but was all that really necessary?
Whistler. (the-n: Fri 9 et) Noggin - by day an innocent preschooler's channel featuring Pinky Dinky Doo and Maisy, by night a naughty, naughty, Canadalicious channel under the alias "the-n." I highly reccomend. Apparently, folks like Kevin Smith dig
Degrassi, but in my humble opinion
Degrassi pails next to
Whistler. The show, named after its ski resort town setting, begins with the death of Beck McKaye, a young snowboarding Olympic

goldmetalist. Unconvinced that Beck's death was an accident, his younger brother, Quinn, becomes obsessed with uncovering the truth behind the mysterious circumstances of Beck's fatal snowboarding accident. Juicy, I know. Oh, but there is more...chided by a ghostly form of his brother, Quinn uncovers a trail of sex, drugs, bribary, cover-ups and general saucy scandals with which all the characters of the show are connected. And, of course, everyone (from Beck's best friend, to girl friend, to parents and uncle) are on the brink of spinning wildly out of control. Got to love melodrama - 4 stars! Oh...and did I mention that you can watch all the episodes on the website?? Does it get any better?
Eureka. (SciFi: Tues @ 9/8 c) Who doesn't love the SciFi channel? Genius, pure genius! The people who brought you the Doon miniseries and Firefly, know how to deliver.
Eureka is probably my favorite show right now, I don't know what I'll do when I leave behind the pleasures of cable tv. ::sigh:: Well, besides having an incred

ibly charming and gorgeous lead actor (Colin Ferguson), the show offers an innovative premise, mystery, comedy, intriguing characters, and a bit of wit ta boot. Basically, Eureka is US government run, scientific research pleasuredom fronting as a small town. When a U.S. marshal, Jack Carter (Ferguson), stubles through town while transporting his dillinquint daughter back to Los Angeles, he becomes caught up in a the backfire of an experiment gone wrong. Ya know, it's really a lot more complicated than I thought, but let's just say funny things happen, adventure ensues, and the day is saved...pretty much. It's good, watch it.
Who Wants to be a Superhero? (SciFi, 9/8c) To get an idea of what

this show is like just picture milk-coming-out-of-your-nose laughter. What more can I say? I really laughed so hard I's all about Major Victory. I really pity those people who didn't get to see the first episode, you have NO idea what you missed. It is just a beautiful mass of uber cheese, campy, corny wonder.
Well, this is my summer must watch list. I know you are thinking, 'wow she needs a life,' but you don't have to thank me, I am just doing my bit for humanity. These shows will make you a better person. "But you don't have to take
my word for it." - The wise Levar Burton,
Reading Rainbow
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